Sax tenor finger chart
Sax tenor finger chart

Your hands are in position and you’re now ready to play your first notes! The interactive fingering chart will help you but first, you’ll need to know where to begin. Where to start with the interactive fingering chart and playing your first notes on the saxophone Don’t forget, you can also download and print the saxophone fingering chart for free. Once you understand where your hands should be positioned, you can use the interactive fingering chart above to practice the notes and to start playing your first pieces! You can simply click on any note and the fingering will be displayed on the visual saxophone. Your pinkie finger will rest on the large key slightly behind your other fingers (see image 2). Your index, middle and ring fingers curve around to the front of the sax to sit on the three key pearls.

sax tenor finger chart

Now on to the right hand: it is positioned at the bottom of the instrument and similar to the left hand, there is a place to rest your thumb. You can then curve the rest of your hand around to the front of the sax and place your three fingers (index, middle and ring) on the three larger key pearls, skipping over the smaller key (see image 1). Look for the black or gold key at the back of the saxophone (closest to your body) - this is where you should rest your thumb. Let’s start with the left hand: this hand is positioned at the top of the instrument.

sax tenor finger chart

Regardless of which saxophone you play, the fingerings are all the same which means you can use the above interactive fingering chart for any type of sax! How to hold the saxophoneīefore using the above interactive fingering chart and playing your first pieces, you need to know where to position your hands on the saxophone. The most common types of saxophone are the alto, tenor, soprano and baritone saxophones.

sax tenor finger chart

The saxophone is a single-reed woodwind instrument, even though it is made of brass.

Sax tenor finger chart